cerenia for cats

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Being a pet owner means you care deeply. You want to make sure your cat feels good, even when they have tummy troubles. That’s where Cerenia comes in, as it’s specially made to help with cats’ sickness. This anti-nausea medication is FDA approved, which means it’s safe and works well.

How does Cerenia help? It stops a brain chemical, substance P, from making your cat feel like throwing up. This makes Cerenia a top choice for preventing or stopping anti-vomiting in cats. Your cat will thank you for this relief.

Key Takeaways

  • Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is an FDA-approved anti-nausea medication for treating vomiting and motion sickness in cats.
  • It blocks the action of substance P, a neurotransmitter involved in vomiting, making it an effective anti-vomiting treatment.
  • Cerenia is considered a safe option for managing nausea and vomiting in feline patients.
  • The medication takes effect within 1 to 2 hours and is best administered with a small meal.
  • Veterinary oversight is recommended to ensure proper dosing and monitoring.

What is Cerenia?

Cerenia is a drug made by Zoetis to stop vomiting and motion sickness in dogs and cats. It uses maropitant citrate as the main idea to work with. This method stops substance P, a signal for vomiting, from working.

Maropitant Citrate: The Active Ingredient

Maropitant citrate is good at stopping substance P from making you throw up. It does this by blocking certain receptors. These receptors start the process that leads to vomiting. Cerenia is really good at preventing both feeling sick and throwing up in cats.

FDA-Approved for Use in Cats

At first, the FDA said Cerenia was okay for dogs in 2007. Then, in 2012, it was also approved for use in cats. This decision showed that Cerenia really does work well and is safe for cats.

Cerenia: Brand Name for Maropitant

Cerenia is the name for maropitant citrate when it’s sold to help pets. It’s made specially for pets so that each dose is effective. It treats vomiting and sickness in both cats and dogs.

Cerenia Forms Dosage Administration
Cerenia tablets 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, 160 mg Oral administration (off-label use in cats)
Cerenia injection 1 mg/kg body weight Subcutaneous or intravenous injection

The Cerenia tablets can be good for dogs. In some cases, vets might use them for cats, even though it’s not exactly what they’re made for. For cats, the Cerenia injection is better. This is what the FDA says to use for cats. You can give it under the skin or in a vein. The right dosage is 1 milligram for every kilogram your cat weighs.

How Does Cerenia Work?

Cerenia helps by stopping the brain from making you vomit. It’s known as a NK1 receptor antagonist. This means it stops substance P, a key chemical that starts vomiting, from working.

Neurokinin-1 (NK1) Receptor Antagonist

Substance P triggers vomiting. Cerenia, by blocking NK1 receptors, stops it from making you throw up.

Blocking Substance P and Vomiting Impulses

The drug acts in 3 main spots linked to vomiting. These include areas in the brain and near the stomach.

By stopping substance P here, Cerenia blocks the urge to vomit. This is why it’s great at preventing sickness in cats.

Three-Pronged Action for Effective Relief

Cerenia hits three systems in the body to fight sickness. It works on the gut, nerves, and muscles. This mix helps cats feel less sick, stop vomiting, and avoid motion sickness.

cerenia for cats

Its wide-reaching effect on vomiting problems is what makes Cerenia so strong. It’s a top choice for many sicknesses in cats.

Uses of Cerenia for Cats

Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is an anti-nausea drug for cats with benefits beyond battling sickness and vomiting. It’s a favorite among vets as an anti-nausea medication for cats.

Primary Use: Treating Nausea and Vomiting

Cerenia is mainly used to tackle nausea and vomiting in cats, even with motion sickness. It works well by lowering the urge to throw up. It’s a top pick for helping cats feel better.

Long-Term Use: Renal Failure Patients

For cats with renal failure, Cerenia stops nausea and vomiting. This helps these cats feel better over the long term. It’s a big help in looking after their health.

Acute Vomiting Episodes

When cats suddenly start vomiting, vets often use Cerenia. It kicks in fast and helps end the discomfort. This also stops problems like dehydration.

Mild Pain Relief and Anesthetic Sparing Effect

Cerenia also eases pain, useful for surgeries like spaying. Its anesthetic sparing effect lets vets use less other anesthetics. This lowers risks and side effects.

Condition Cerenia Use
Nausea and Vomiting Primary use for treating vomiting, including motion sickness
Renal Failure Long-term use to prevent vomiting in cats with renal failure
Acute Vomiting Episodes Treating acute vomiting episodes for quick relief
Surgical Procedures Provides mild pain relief and reduces the need for higher anesthetic doses

Cerenia is a reliable help for vets facing many cat health issues. It offers broad benefits, improving the life of cat patients.

Administration of Cerenia

Administering cerenia for cats usually means using an injection. Sometimes, though, vets might suggest cerenia tablets for cats. This is known as an off-label use.

Cerenia Injections for Cats

The usual method for cerenia is through an injection. This is typically at a dose of 1 mg/kg, given under the skin.

It’s also okay to use it in a vein, depending on the situation. Cerenia injection cats are given once each day for up to five days.

cerenia injection cats

Cerenia Tablets for Cats (Off-Label Use)

Cerenia tablets cats are made for dogs but sometimes used off-label for cats. Your vet must recommend this for it to be safe for your cat.

Remember, using cerenia tablets for cats isn’t FDA-approved. It’s only for certain situations and should be approved by your vet first.

Route Dosage Frequency Maximum Duration
Subcutaneous Injection 1 mg/kg body weight Once daily 5 consecutive days
Intravenous Injection 1 mg/kg body weight Once daily 5 consecutive days
Oral Tablets (Off-Label) Determined by veterinarian Determined by veterinarian Determined by veterinarian

It is important to always listen to your vet when using cerenia. Never use cerenia on your cat without their advice.

Side Effects and Precautions

Cerenia for cats is usually safe, but it’s good to watch out for side effects and be careful. Pain and meowing right after getting the injection are the most common side effects. This happens to about one in every three cats. Luckily, it doesn’t last long and goes away on its own.

Sometimes, cerenia for cats can trigger rare side effects like tiredness, not wanting to eat, or diarrhea. It could also lead to allergic reactions, shaking, seizures, weird breathing, laying down a lot, throwing up a lot, breathing heavy, and shivering. But, these are very uncommon, showing up in only a tiny amount of cat cases.

Duration of Effect

After receiving the medication, the effects usually go away in about a day. In cats with liver or kidney problems, the effects might last longer. This is because their bodies can’t process and remove the drug as fast.

Age Considerations

It’s important not to give cerenia to kittens younger than 8 weeks. Be careful with puppies under 16 weeks because they might have trouble with their bone marrow. This is especially true for young animals.

Drug Interactions

If your cat is on other medications, be careful with cerenia for cats. Some drugs like chloramphenicol and NSAIDs could cause issues. They might make cerenia less effective or cause more side effects. Always ask the vet for advice on how to handle drug interactions with cerenia.

Common Side Effects Rare Side Effects Contraindications
Pain, Vocalization Lethargy, Anorexia, Allergic Reactions Age < 8 weeks
Vomiting, Hypersalivation (at higher doses) Diarrhea, Uncoordinated Walking Pregnancy, Lactation
Convulsions, Abnormal Breathing Liver Disease
Recumbency, Panting, Muscle Tremors Drug Interactions

Drug Interactions and Monitoring

When you give your cat cerenia, be careful. Watch out for possible drug interactions. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) sticks to proteins. When used with other drugs that do the same, it might cause problems. This includes NSAIDs, heart meds, and drugs for seizures.

Potential Interactions with Protein-Bound Drugs

If your cat uses drugs that bind to proteins, like NSAIDs or heart drugs, be alert. Mixing them with cerenia might lead to trouble. Your vet might need to change drug amounts or find other treatments.

Monitoring for Underlying Conditions

There’s a worry that cerenia could hide signs of bigger health issues. This might give the false impression that your cat is getting better. So, it’s key to keep a close eye. Make sure the real reason for the vomiting is found and handled correctly.

To keep your cat safe with cerenia, pay attention to any mixing risks and how your cat is doing. Stick to what your vet advises. Tell them about any new symptoms or worries right away.

Consult your veterinarian for proper cerenia dosage cats and to discuss any potential interactions with other medications your feline companion may be taking.

Storage and Handling

Keeping cerenia for cats safe is very important. This means handling it correctly and storing it properly. If you’re using cerenia tablets cats or cerenia injection cats, it’s vital to follow the rules.

Proper Storage for Tablets and Injections

Store cerenia tablets cats at room temperature. Keep them dry. For the injectable form, keep it at a controlled room temperature, between 20°C to 25°C (68°F-77°F).

And it’s okay for the temperature to go between 15°C to 30°C (59°F-86°F). After you open the vial, put it in the fridge between 2°C to 8°C (36°F-46°F). Use it within 90 days and do not freeze it.

cerenia storage

Handling and Topical Exposure Precautions

Be careful when you use cerenia for cats. Getting it on your skin can lead to an allergic reaction. If you touch it accidentally, wash the area with soap and water right away.

Follow all safety steps to avoid any problems.

Cerenia for Cat Motion Sickness

If your cat gets sick in the car, Cerenia can help. This cerenia motion sickness cats drug was okayed for cat use in 2012. It’s great at stopping throw-up caused by motion sickness.

Before you hit the road, feed your cat a little 3 hours ahead. Then, give them Cerenia an hour later but still 2 hours before you travel. This helps keep their tummy settled while you’re on your way.

It doesn’t take long for Cerenia to kick in, about 1 to 2 hours. Your furry friend should start feeling better soon after. The secret is how it affects certain parts of their brain that control throwing up.

Dosage Forms Strengths
Tablets 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, 160 mg
Injections 10 mg/ml concentration

After they get a shot, some kitties might feel a bit of pain or get loud. But, that usually goes away pretty quickly. Serious reactions, like getting a fever, really thirsty, or tired, are super rare with the shot.

Use Cerenia with cats 16 weeks old or more. Don’t use it with little kittens or pregnant or nursing cats. You need a vet’s okay to give this medicine, especially if your cat is very sick, throwing up, or feeling super bad from motion sickness.

Preventing Vomiting Due to Medications

If your cat is on chemotherapy or takes meds that make them vomit, cerenia for cats is key. This anti-nausea medication stops vomiting. It’s used before chemo or other meds to prevent the urge to vomit.

Maropitant citrate (Cerenia®) fights vomiting and motion sickness in cats. Though its use in cats is not FDA approved, vets see it as a helpful option. They recommend Cerenia to stop cats from feeling sick and throwing up.

Using Cerenia before medications that upset your cat’s stomach makes a big difference. It helps cats stay comfortable and avoid health problems caused by too much vomiting.

  • Cerenia works by stopping the action of substance P, a brain chemical that makes cats vomit.
  • It’s given before meds that might make the cat nauseous or vomit.
  • Cerenia eases chemotherapy and other treatment’s side effects.

Yet, always listen to what your vet says about the right dose and possible drug interactions. Cerenia might not mix well with some drugs. With the right care, Cerenia is a useful way to keep your cat from getting sick because of their other meds.

Safety and Efficacy in Feline Patients

Cerenia (cerenia for cats) has been through a lot of studies. These studies test how safe and effective it is for cats against throwing up. The outcomes show that it works well in stopping and healing vomiting in cats.

Clinical Studies and Safety Data

In research, cats were given Cerenia doses up to five times more than what’s usually suggested. They took this daily for 15 straight days. Surprisingly, the cats didn’t show any bad health effects. This includes no bad results in their blood or urine tests. This shows Cerenia is very safe for cats needing feline cerenia.

Other tests also prove that Cerenia works against causes of vomiting. These causes include motion sickness and certain drug-induced vomiting. At a dose of 1 mg/kg, Cerenia stopped vomiting from these reasons. This shows Cerenia’s power against throwing up in cats.

Parameter Value
Terminal Half-Life 13-17 hours
Bioavailability (Oral) 50%
Bioavailability (Subcutaneous) 117%
Oral Antiemetic Activity Good
Duration of Action 24 hours

This table shows important facts and the long-term effects of Cerenia in stopping throwing up in cats. It confirms Cerenia is a good choice for feline cerenia patients.

Veterinary Recommendations and Oversight

Cerenia is only available with a prescription. This means you need a vet to get it for a specific cat’s need. Vets are crucial for making sure the right amount is given and checking for any health issues causing the vomiting in your cat.

Vets are extra careful about using Cerenia for cats with liver problems. These cats might need a lower dose, and they’ll need more watch. Also, Cerenia isn’t known to be safe for pregnant or nursing cats. And it’s not for kittens under sixteen weeks old unless advised by a vet.

Cerenia for Cats: A Veterinarian’s Choice

Cerenia is a top choice among vets for anti-nausea medication in feline patients. It’s an anti-vomiting medicine approved by the FDA. It’s known for its safety, efficacy, and how well it works for cats.

This medicine works differently than others. It blocks a neurotransmitter called Substance P, which helps stop vomiting. It starts to work in just 30 minutes to two hours, making it a fast solution for cats feeling sick.

Veterinarians around the world trust Cerenia. They use it often to help feline patients stop vomiting. It’s good for a range of issues like motion sickness, nausea after surgery, or illnesses like kidney problems.

Cerenia has a good track record for safety as an anti-vomiting drug. Cats might have minor issues like making more noise or feeling sore where they were injected. But, it’s rare for them to get very sick from this medicine. Vets always watch how they give Cerenia, especially to young cats, pregnant or nursing ones, and those with liver issues.

Dosage Forms Strengths
Tablets 16 mg, 24 mg, 60 mg, 160 mg
Injections 10 mg/ml

Cerenia got the green light from the FDA for cats in 2012. It’s a big help for vets fighting nausea and vomiting in their patients. While the injectable type is okayed for cats, vets might also use the tablet form when needed, always with careful thought and watching how the cats react.


When dealing with cats and motion sickness, Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is a top choice for relief. It gained FDA approval for cat use in 2012. This medicine is trusted by vets around the globe. It works by stopping substance P from making cats throw up.

Doctors use Cerenia to handle both short-term and long-term throwing up in cats. It can be given through a shot or as pills. Most cats handle it well, but some might feel a little pain or meow loudly after a shot.

It’s vital to have your vet’s expert advice. They make sure your cat gets the right amount and check for any health problems. Very rare but serious effects like a fever or too much drool may also happen.

Cerenia starts working fast – in less than two hours. Its special form is made just for giving to animals. It is very useful for cats dealing with car sickness or feeling sick after surgery. Your vet will make sure it’s the right choice for your pet.


What is Cerenia?

Cerenia is an FDA-approved medicine for cats with nausea. It treats vomiting, motion sickness, and post-surgery sickness. It’s the brand name for maropitant citrate, which acts as a blocker for substance P. This is a key part of why it helps stop vomiting.

How does Cerenia work?

Cerenia targets the brain to stop vomiting. It works by stopping substance P from binding to certain spots. By doing this, it prevents the brain, the digestive system, and the vagus nerve from telling the body to vomit.

What are the uses of Cerenia for cats?

Its main use is to help cats with nausea and vomiting, like from motion sickness. vets often use it for sudden vomiting or to stop it in cats with kidney problems. Cerenia also eases pain a bit and can lower the need for anesthesia in surgeries. It even helps with itchy skin problems in some cats.

How is Cerenia administered to cats?

Usually, it’s given as a shot under the skin or Into a vein at 1 mg/kg. This can be done once daily for up to five days. In some cases, vets might suggest using Cerenia tablets meant for dogs. But legally, these are not for use in cats.

What are the potential side effects of Cerenia in cats?

Pain or crying when getting the shot is the most common effect. About one in three cats might show this but it usually goes away on its own. Other rare issues can include fever, not drinking enough water, feeling tired, refusing food, blood in the urine, lots of drooling, and swelling where the shot was given. Allergic reactions are also a possibility.

Can Cerenia be used for cat motion sickness?

Yes, it’s good for preventing motion sickness. It’s best to give the cat a little food three hours before the journey. Then, give the Cerenia an hour later (two hours before travel). Doing this with a meal will help stop vomiting, and the medicine works quickly, in about 1 to 2 hours.

How safe and effective is Cerenia for feline patients?

Studies say Cerenia is very safe and works well for cats. It was tested at much higher doses for a long time with no bad side effects. Still, it’s only for use under a vet’s care. They’ll check that it’s the right dose and watch for any bad reactions, especially when cats have other health issues.

How should Cerenia be stored and handled?

Keep Cerenia tablets at room temp away from dampness. The injectable form should be kept between 20°C and 25°C (68°F-77°F). Once opened, the injectable should be in the fridge and used within 90 days. Be careful, as just touching it could cause an allergy in some people.

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